Probably you are asking, what is 3hee? Who are they?
3hee are fictional characters, consisting 3 people, which are Sunhee, Jihee and Daehee. Thus, they name themselves that way.
Let's find out more about them.. ^^
Snobby Sunhee

Name : Song Sunhee
Birthdate : October 13th
Bloodtype : O
Height : 171 cm
Weight : 47 kg
Being called 'snobby' for some reason. She is sometimes arrogant and stubborn, she also loves herself so much. She speaks whatever comes up to her mind, which often make people hurt. She can be very cold to someone she just met, but then the person will find out later that she is actually very friendly. Is very fluent in English. Once lived in Australia. Her mom and dad are Song Hye Gyo and Song Jihoon, the most popular stars in Korea, so you don't wanna ask her wealth.
Her career as a model is gaining many respects from her school buddies, especially guys. She often skip school just to attend her photoshoots. Nevertheless, her grades are always on top of the class. Even though she works hard, she studies well, and enjoys playing too.
Sunhee has a high ideal character for guys. Not to mention her former boyfriend, Jonghun, who is multitalented and also a pretty boy. Sunhee is known as the playgirl at school, she changes boyfriends the most often among other 3hee members. Was crowned 'The Sweetest Couple' at Shinhuahua High School when she was still with Jonghun, but then broke up for some reason.
Currently going steady with Kevin, her old friend when she was in Aussie. Her high standards for guys immediately dropped down when people found out she's with Kevin. She taught herself not to fall for guys just by looks and talents, but check out their heart. At first, Sunhee just thought that all the attention Kevin gave to her was just pure because he was her best friend. But then Kevin confessed. She ends up dating her best friend after all.
Jolly Jihee

Name : Jung Jihee
Birthdate : March 4th
Bloodtype : AB
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 50 kg
The magnae of 3hee. She is a year younger than Daehee and Sunhee who are the same age. She is indeed jolly, cheerful, and tend to make her unnies happy. Is very kind with people, no matter if she just met them. Can get hurt easily, but always tries to hide her feelings.
Jihee is taken by Minho, captain of the soccer club in Shinhuahua. Since the first time Jihee entered the school, Minho's eyes were on her. Jihee doesn't have a certain type for guys. If she looks at someone, and likes him, then she likes him. That's why when Minho confessed, she approves straightaway. This MinHee couple were crowned 'The Sweetest Couple' after Sunhee and Jonghun broke up.
Jihee has high dreams for her career, she loves photography and other arts. Her hobby is taking photos of Minho during his soccer matches. Is known well at school for her bubbly but bold personality. She has so many friends, but still keep her loyalty to 3hee.
Sometimes when Daehee and Sunhee are down, she gives a lot of support to make them happy again. There is nothing she wants more than her unnies to be happy. Everytime Sunhee and Daehee were caught in a quarrel, Jihee would always step inside and clear everything. She is wiser than her two unnies.
Devoted Daehee

Name : Han Daehee
Birthdate : February 27th
Bloodtype : A
Height : 169 cm
Weight : 46 kg
The most carefree member in 3hee. If Sunhee is really cold and Jihee is really kind, Daehee is in between. She is friendly, depends on the person who tries to talk to her. She is tough, and always convincing herself that girls must not cry over boys. She nags a lot to other 3hee members.
Sunhee models, Jihee loves photography, while Daehee is a great dancer. She can play the piano and be such a sweet innocent girl. But when she reaches her practice room, she can turn into a fierce lady. Once she dances, she dances her soul out. She loves to work out, no wonder with those flat abs and fine S line she got.
She is the 2nd stubborn after Sunhee. When the two of them get into a conflict, or arguing about something, Daehee often give in, and let Sunhee win rather than continuing the fight. Even though she often argue with Sunhee, she always give advices whenever Sunhee needs her. Daehee is a total MinHee shipper. She loves the couple so much, sometimes Jihee finds it annoying.
About her love life, she is really devoted to Jonghyun. Daehee is the opposite of Sunhee. Sunhee can't stay long to one guy, but Daehee keeps being faithful to Jonghyun. Many other girls seem to piss her off by approaching Jonghyun, but her anger is always washed away by Jonghyun's sincere and strong love. They both trust each other so much, therefore they gain 'The Most Loyal Couple' award in Shinhuahua.
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