Sunhee was waiting for a bus at the bus stop when her handphone rang. It played FT Island's "Cheotnunae Ara", Sunhee got hold of her handphone at answered it.
"Yoboseyo? Daehee? Yea I was just about to take the bus.. No. Why? The three of us are gathering right?.."
Sunhee looked forward and saw a bus coming by. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the edge of the sidewalk. She was still talking to the phone while waiting the bus to open the door. When it opened, she quickly walked near to get inside.
"Jihee is also coming.. ah~!"
When Sunhee was stepping up, someone was about to get off the bus and bump into her. He hit Sunhee's shoulder so bad, that Sunhee lost grip of her handphone. In the end, she had to see her handphone slammed to the ground and immediately turned off.
"Ah~! Aissssh.."
She bent down to grab her scattered handphone, leaving the bus that drove off. She reached out her hands and it touched a guy's hand instead.
"Ah, chesonghamnida.." said the guy.
Sunhee rolled her eyes, she was to shocked, pissed off, and felt pain on her shoulders at the same time. She picked up her handphone roughly, put it all back on and tried to turn it on.
"SHIT!", shouted Sunhee while punching a pole in front of her. It made the guy moved a step back.
Sunhee looked at the guy and stretched her hands forward. The guy went confused and he shake his hand to Sunhee instead.
"What.. I was just asking for your phone!" said Sunhee.
"Well, you should have say so!", said the guy, embarrassed. He took out his phone and gave it to Sunhee, Sunhee quickly pressed a few numbers and 5 seconds later she was already talking to Daehee.
When Sunhee was done, she gave the phone back to the guy, and left him behind.
"Thank you -____-" said the guy.
Daehee was puzzled in the beginning when she was calling Sunhee and suddenly the connection got lost. Daehee dialed a few more times, but the number wasn't active. Then not long after that, Daehee received from an unknown number, and it was actually Sunhee, Sunhee said she will be there a bit late and her handphone was broken.
Daehee just nod along to Sunhee's rushing voice. Then just when Sunhee shut the phone, Daehee was about to ask Sunhee to buy something.
"Sunhee~ah! Aaah..too late.."
Daehee tried to dial the number that Sunhee used to call her.
"Yoboseyo?" said a guy's voice. Daehee wrinkled her eyebrows.
"Uh, can I speak to Sunhee?"
"Sunhee? Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm.. I'm Han Daehee, her friend. Listen, she used your number to call me. Is she still there?"
The guy looked around and didn't find Sunhee's figure.
"I'm afraid not. Sorry."
"Ah okay.. thanks.." said Daehee, about to close her phone.
"Hey wait.."
"Yes?" Daehee moved the phone closer to her ears again.
"I'm Kim Jonghyun. Nice to meet you.."
Jihee walked outside ESteem, a modeling agency that she works for as a photographer. She hurriedly walked outside to get to Daehee's house and gather with her double unnies. When she was walking out of the elevator, she tidied up a map of documents that were in her hands, until she hit someone badly, her documents fell flying down to the shiny floor.
Nobody said sorry, but the guy who bumped her took a few of documents, he collected it and immediately gave it back to Jihee. Jihee looked up to the guy and received her papers back. The guy stood up and bowed a bit, he was about to walk away when Jihee called.
"Hey you!"
The guy slowly turned his back, "Me?"
"Yeah, you're new here, right?"
The guy looked around, "Yeah I am."
"I'm Han Jihee, a photographer. You see, I need some new fresh faces for the cover of next month's magazine. Would you like to make a teamwork? I could also promote you to other brands.."
The guy looked at Jihee, "Really?"
Jihee smiled, "Of course."
"That's awesome, I'm Jonghyun, by the way.."
And so, the three girls finally gathered at Daehee's home to have a BBQ party in order to celebrate nothing but their friendship day. Actually they always held up a BBQ party on the second Friday of each month.
"Jihee, get the oil and brush that Daehee put on the table.." said Sunhee.
"The kitchen counter.."
The girls were busy walking here and there to prepare their special meal. Suddenly the bell rang.
"Who's gonna get the door?" asked Jihee.
"Of course the one who owns the house. Jihee have you got what I asked?" shouted Sunhee.
Daehee smiled looking at her two besties. She walked to the front door, and peeked outside to see who was it. A guy standing 181 cm tall was waiting out there.
"Who is that.." whispered Daehee to herself.
She opened the door and greeted the guy, "I'm sorry.. you are..?"
"Ah I'm Choi Minho, the new guy next door. Here's a bit of my mom's cooking. Hope you'll enjoy it."
Daehee smiled and introduced herself as well. When she received the food that Minho brought, she peeked inside it. Minho then looked inside the house, far away to the open backyard. There, he saw Sunhee and Jihee talking to each other while getting stuffs ready for the BBQ. Daehee notice that Minho was sightseeing.
"Wanna come in?" she asked.
Minho startled, "ah? Ah no it's okay. Your friends?" asked Minho.
"Yeah, Sunhee and Jihee." said Daehee while pointing to both of her friends. Sunhee noticed and made a quick bow to Minho, while Jihee who was carrying a jar of mayonnaise waved to the front door while giving her best smile. Minho just smiled back.
Daehee looked at Minho and found him still looking inside even when Sunhee and Jihee were back to business.
"Sure you don't wanna come in?" asked Daehee, making sure.
"No, really. Then, I'll see you next time."
Daehee smiled and waved, then she closed the door and skipped back to her friends.
"So girls, any interesting stories today?" asked Jihee, while taking a bite of her chicken stewer.
"Not interesting, but pissing." said Sunhee, chugging down her can of Cola.
"What happened?" asked Daehee.
Sunhee started telling the story of her scattered handphone which couldn't be turned on until now. Daehee also told that she called the guy who broke Sunhee's phone.
"You called him back?" asked Sunhee in disbelief.
"Well, what should i do? I was gonna ask you to buy some stuffs. But don't know where to call." said Daehee.
The girls continued finishing their meal.
"I met this cool guy at ESteem." said Jihee, all of a sudden.
"Huh?" Sunhee's mouth was full of food.
"Yea, a newbie model. I'm making him as next month's magazine cover." said Jihee.
"Isn't that too fast?" asked Daehee.
"Nah, nothing's too fast for me. The faster, the better." said Jihee in confidence.
The girls started sharing different stories about their life, and each of them were secretly hoping that they will all meet the guys they just met that day.
Jihee woke up the most early, and she walked to the bathroom. Sunhee heard Jihee's steps and woke up too.
"Jihee is that you?" asked Sunhee, while rubbing her eyes.
"Yeah unnie. Whassup?"
"Where are you going?" asked Sunhee again, this time rising up from her bed, she woke up slowly so Daehee won't get disturbed.
"To ESteem, got a photoshoot to do." answered Jihee, she closed the door and a sound of water tap being turned on made Sunhee woke up fully. Sunhee got off her bed and walked to the closet.
"Hoaaaahm~~, good morning girls.." said Daehee in a sleepy voice.
"Oh you're up. Hey can I borrow this?" asked Sunhee while holding a pair of white straight jeans.
"Yea sure. For what?" asked Daehee.
"I dunnow, just wanna go out today. Aren't you going anywhere?"
Daehee pulled out a smile.
"What? a smile doesn't explain anything, what's with you?" asked Sunhee sarcastically.
"I have a blind date today."
"A BLIND DATE?" asked Jihee from the bathroom. Sunhee even wondered how did Jihee hear their conversation since the shower was on and it was noisy.
"yea Jihee! awesome isn't it?" asked Daehee, half shouting.
Sunhee just rolled her eyes and went outside to prepare breakfast.
It has been a week since their BBQ party at Daehee's house. Jihee and Sunhee decided to sleep over for a few nights. During that one week, Daehee was always the one who sleeps late, she was busy on her phone, texting with this Jonghyun guy.
"So this Jonghyun.. where did you know him?" asked Sunhee while moving the pancakes from the pan to 3 different plates. Jihee was still taking a bath.
"Remember the guy that you bumped into and borrowed his phone?"
Sunhee made a frown, "Yeah, what's with him?" asked Sunhee. Daehee smiled.
"Ah! don't tell me that's the Jonghyun you were talking about?"
Daehee smiled and nod her head, she took a bite of the delicious pancake that Sunhee made. Sunhee is the master of breakfast especially when it comes to pancakes, her favorite dish.
Jihee came out while drying her hair with a towel. "Pancakes again, unnie?"
Sunhee winked and lend Jihee's dish. "Thanks unnie.." said Jihee.
Sunhee was about to eat her own meal when suddenly the bell rang. Daehee and Jihee were busy eating and they both pretend they didn't hear it.
"Yea yeaaa I'll get it." Sunhee walked lazily to the door. She peeked to see who it was, then she opened it.
"Hi new neighbor.." said Sunhee.
"Oh.." Minho was surprised to see a different girl opening the door, "This is Han's house right?"
Sunhee smiled, "Ah yea, she's having breakfast so I had to get the door."
"Oh sorry was I disturbing?" asked Minho.
"Nah, no absolutely not.." said Sunhee. Actually you are.. -__-
"Hey i was wondering, we still have a plate of pancakes, want to join us breakfast? I mean, I bet no one's gonna finish the leftovers." offered Sunhee.
Minho looked doubtful.
"Oh don't hesitate like that, come on in." said Sunhee, pushing the guy in and closing the door. Minho was surely shocked being forced into like that. But he felt somewhat relieved.
"Girls, we got a guest here." said Sunhee, leading Minho to the dining room and giving him his plate.
"Annyeong haseyo, ah.. gomapseumnida." said Minho to the two girls at the table, and to Sunhee.
"Ah the new guy next door. Come join us!" said Daehee pointing to the chair beside Jihee. Sunhee then grabbed her own plate and finally started eating beside Daehee.
Minho sat down beside Jihee. Jihee looked up and smiled. Minho looked embarrassed but he tried to hide it in any way.
Daehee was off to the cafe where she planned to met Jonghyun. Jihee went to ESteem while Sunhee was lost alone in the center of Seoul. Well, not really alone. She has Minho with her, since Minho just moved to Seoul, he asked if one of the three girls could accompany him to go sightseeing. Jihee and Daehee have their own businesses, so there is only Sunhee left, Sunhee then lazily accepted the offer.
Actually from Minho's eyes, we all could tell that he wasn't expecting Sunhee to accompany him, but between Jihee or Daehee. Minho kinda felt guilty looking at Sunhee's bored face.
"Oh? Yes?"
"Are you bored?"
Sunhee smiled hiding her laugh in. So finally he realized..
"Not really, why?"
"I'm already familiar and used to this place. You can leave me if you want. Or we both separate and go home together?"
Sunhee looked doubtful this time, "You sure?"
Minho nod his head. Then Sunhee gave on of her handphone to Minho.
"When you're done looking around, just give me a call then we'll go home. Kay?"
Minho raised his thumbs, "Ok, see you Sunhee!"
Sunhee turned around and walked to the other way.
Finally, alone is better than being with that guy but not talking either..
Daehee entered the cafe and searched for a figure. She then spotted someone reading a magazine. She smiled and walked towards the guy.

"Excuse me?" said Daehee.
The guy looked up, "Yes?", he looked confused.
"Are you Jonghyun?" asked Daehee in a childish way. I mean, there's a bunch of Jonghyuns in Seoul and Daehee was like 100% sure that this was the Jonghyun she was looking for.
The Jonghyun guy became more confused since Daehee knew his name, "Yes I am, and.. do I know you?"
"Oh it's me, Daehee! Finally we meet!" said Daehee while taking a seat in front of him.
Jonghyun really really looked confused, even it made Daehee confused too.
"I'm sorry is anything wrong?" asked Daehee.
"No.. it's just that.." Jonghyun didn't know what to say either. He looked around and found a girl walking towards him.
"Jonghyun~ah ! There you are!" she said.
The guy smiled and waved, he felt relieved at the same time. "Jihee!"
"Jihee?" asked Daehee, she turned around and found Jihee looking at her as well.
"Daehee? wait, what are you doing with my model?"
"Your model?" now Daehee looked even more confused. What a confusing day.
"Yea, he's the model I was talking about, remember?" asked Jihee.
Daehee looked at Jonghyun. Jonghyun looked at Daehee too.
"Wait.. what's your last name?" asked Daehee.
"Hong." said Jonghyun.
"AISH~! Stupid me.." said Daehee, slapping her own head.
"May I know what's happening?" asked Jihee, poor Jihee. She also became confused by these two confused people.
"I was looking for KIM Jonghyun. Ah~ mianhaeyo Hong Jonghyun-sshi!" said Daehee while standing up and searching for another guy.
Jonghyun and Jihee just laughed softly.
"There are indeed tons of Jonghyuns in this city. Now come on start the photoshoot! I knew you were at this cafe, smoking, since this cafe is just across ESteem!" nagged Jihee.
Sunhee spent two hours walking here and there, alone, sightseeing and not buying anything. She felt bored in the end, and decided to watch Jihee's photoshoot at ESteem.
"Minho seems having fun, he didn't even texted me until now." said Sunhee while checking her phone.
The ESteem building was located near the shopping districts where Sunhee and Minho were exploring, so Sunhee didn't take any bus or taxi to get there, she just walked herself there. When she arrived, she was actually going to call Jihee straightaway to watch the photoshoot, but she saw a photobook of ESteem at the lobby. The photobook was on a high end table beside the sofa. Sunhee decided to take a look at it.
She found out that the photobook consists recent photoshoots, as well as photo debuts of new models. And there was this one model that caught her eye.
Meanwhile, a guy was walking towards the lobby, he seems like in a hurry when suddenly he had to stop looking at Sunhee's appearance. She was looking here and there, seems like trying to find someone.

The guy walked towards Sunhee, he forgot that he had to call the stylist at that floor to help about the photoshoot.
"Excuse me, looking for someone?" he asked.
Sunhee looked up, "Ah, yes. I was waiting for my.. hey..", Sunhee stopped her speech.
The guy looked confused, "Yes?"
"Aren't you the.. wait a minute.. is this you?" asked Sunhee, pointing to a picture in the photobook, the newbie models section.
The guy scratched his head, "ah yes.. I'm new here."
Sunhee looked at the guy. This was the guy that stole her attention from the photobook. "Hong Jonghyun?" she asked.
"Yup. Jonghyun imnida." he said, while making a formal bow to Sunhee. Sunhee stood up and greeted him too.
"Perhaps, you can help me look for my friend?" asked Sunhee.
"I'll try too. What's her name?" he asked.
"Han Jihee. Photographer.. she is.."
"I know her! Come, I'll take you to her, she's doing a photoshoot with me!" said Jonghyun. He quickly reached out for Sunhee's hand and walked towards the elevator. When they entered, Jonghyun was still holding Sunhee's hand. Sunhee looked at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry.." said Jonghyun, releasing his grip. Sunhee just bent her head down and smiled. Jonghyun awkwardly scratched his head and felt embarrassed.
"So you're the model that Jihee was talking about?" asked Sunhee. Jonghyun nod and smiled.
Not bad.. Jihee is so..
The elevator stopped and opened it's door.
"We're here." said Jonghyun. He walked outside and led Sunhee to the photoshoot location.
"Where's Jihee?" asked Sunhee.
Jihee rushed back to ESteem after buying a few cans of soft drinks for the staff. She looked at her watch and ran faster knowing that the staff must be waiting for her already. Then, she bumped into someone tall. Her cans fell down and rolled all over the place.
"Oh~ I'm so sorry.." said a familiar voice.
"Minho?" said Jihee.
"Jihee! Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking.." said Minho while picking up the cans.
"Ah it's okay, i was the one who rushed." Jihee picked up the cans as well.
"Where are you going? Here, let me bring the cans for you.." said Minho.
"To ESteem. No it's okay really."
Jihee grabbed the plastic bag, but Minho kept insisting. So in the end, Jihee walked back to ESteem with Minho following her. Deep inside, Minho was glad to finally meet Jihee, even though his foot hurts getting hit by the can when it fell down.
Another week went by, this time it was Sunhee's house that became the 3 girls' basecamp. In this week, the girls disappeared in their own business. Jihee was dropped and picked up by Minho to ESteem, with his new car. Daehee's date with Kim Jonghyun went successful. They even hang out for another couple of days. While Sunhee herself, spent more time at ESteem, not to watch Jihee snapping here and there, but watching Jihee's model a.k.a Hong Jonghyun giving his best poses.
"Girls, review!" said Sunhee, while clapping her hands. It made Jihee and Daehee who were busy on their own world, gather around Sunhee.
"Remember that we have been single for a long time?" asked Sunhee.
"Ah unnie you're talking about that again!" said Jihee.
"No, no listen! Remember when we swear to ourselves, that we will date the first guy that we met unpurposely?" Sunhee looked to her two besties.
Daehee looked like she was thinking hard, "OH ! Yea I remember."
"Me too," said Jihee.
"Well then, I'll break my swear." said Sunhee.
"What?" asked Jihee and Daehee together.
"Well, the first guy I met.. You see, he's dating Daehee right now! Besides, I don't really like him."
"Hey, we're not dating yet!" said Daehee.
"You soon will!" snapped Sunhee.
"Me too unnie, I pull my words too. I first met my model and realized he's not more than just my model." said Jihee. Sunhee smiled.
"Then i go with you guys. The first guy I met, hmmm.. Minho? Nah, take him, Jihee." said Daehee.
"Why are you offering me?" Jihee suddenly blushed, "By the way Sunhee unnie.."
"You seem like stalking my model. I'll lend him to you." Jihee teased Sunhee.
"MWO?" Sunhee blushed too and threw a pillow to Jihee's face.
3 minutes later the girls were already having a pillow fight.
It was Saturday night. The three girls separated, and went to different places on their own. Daehee went to the streets of Seoul, there was going to be a firecracker party, where all couples gathered to watch the night sky.
Jihee went photo hunting with Minho by the famous Han River after watching Minho's soccer match.
Sunhee, was stuck at ESteem building, where Jonghyun begged her to stay and wait until his photoshoot is done.
*Daehee's POV*
I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already since I met Jonghyun. Well, I still remembered the mistaken identity where I thought that Hong was Kim. That was so damn embarrassing!
It doesn't matter know, since Jonghyun always asked me to accompany him wherever he goes. I don't know, is it the chemistry? I felt that I already knew Jonghyun when I called his phone that day, and when he asked my name, I automatically introduced myself as well.
Kim Jonghyun is.. different. From other guys I met. I mean, Jonghyun acts more than a friend to me. We're not in a relationship now but..
"Daehee! The fireworks are going to start!"
Jonghyun grabbed my hand and pulled me to a quite-high wall, it's not a seat though, but the benches and seats were crowded everywhere. Jonghyun carefully picked me up and put me on sitting on the wall, while he himself jumped and landed down sitting as well beside me.
At first, we kept silent and didn't say a thing. Suddenly he started to hold my hands, and sang a song under the starry sky with the firecrackers blooming.
"Now I've come to know. You were the one to always
protect me who was always lacking things.
You who's worn out from waiting, hold onto my hand.
You can forget all our past days that were so weak, right?
I am by your side
Now I'll walk with you on that lonely road that you walked on by yourself.
You are my everything for always my everything.
Always in my heart my everything.
Forever you're my everything.
You are my everything
Always in my heart my everything.
Forever you are."
I looked at him. He looked deep into my eyes. Then his face moved closer, i couldn't help but close my eyes, then i felt his lips touching mine, softly.
"Saranghaeyo, Daehee."

*Jihee's POV*
It was exhausting! Today was so cool! I watched Minho's soccer match and he scored 2 goals. The happiest thing is, when he scored a goal, he always looked at me and gave a wink. GAAAH~ I almost fainted at that place.
Now we're going to hunt some cool objects to snap on. Surprisingly, Minho loves photography too, of course after soccer.
We enjoyed the time that we spent together. We've once go on a hunt before, to Gyeongbok Palace. This is our second hunt, maybe coz it's late already and the night sky is getting pale black, we stopped for a while and had a picnic beyond the lights. Some people were there too.
"Enjoying this day?" asked Minho.
"Yea. Today was.. amazing! Especially your match! and the goals that you scored! extremely cool." I kept praising Minho, he just bent his head down and smiled.
"There's something I want to give you.." he said.
I looked at him, he was searching for something in his backpack. When he found it, he pulled it out, and gave it to me.
It was a big photobook, when i opened it, i was surprised to find all my photos in it. It was taken candidly, I mean, I didn't know that it was being taken. I kept turning the pages, the photos were a whole bunch, but in the same location. It was taken at Gyeongbok Palace. There was this photo that showed me taking a picture with my nikon. And, who else would candid me, if it wasn't Minho?
"This.. this is..?" I looked at Minho.
"Turn to the last page." he said.
I did what he said, and i found a photo of him and it had this text below..
"If enduring pain, braving shame, despising one's self for the sake of affection and accepting misery without question is the definition of love - then, I LOVE YOU"

I looked at Minho again, and smiled.
"Nadoo, saranghaeyo ^^"
*Sunhee's POV*
Yes, I spent most of my time with this model.
Yes, I'm happy to spent my time with this model.
Yes, it seems like my day would be boring without this model.
But, today, tonight. It's pissing me off!
Imagine, you're being told by the guy who is actually your crush, that he wanted to go spend saturday night with you, but instead he takes you to his working place! As in my condition, ESteem!
And to make things worse, his photoshoot is with this sort of girl, it's like a pairing photoshoot! How pissing is that?
I just stood still beside the photographer, watching Jonghyun changing his poses. Sometimes he looks at me, I just smiled. Until it came to this pose, where he had to put his hands around the girl model. His face looks so ignorant. I ran out of patience so I walked towards the door. I was wearing heels so everybody could hear my loud steps. Even the photographer stopped and watched me walking away. When I was about to open the door, there was this voice coming out from a loudspeaker.
"Hey you in the white boots!"
I turned around, putting on my pissed face, and found Jonghyun holding this loudspeaker thingy that has an alarm sound if you press a certain button.
"Listen.. If it was love which made me fall for you...then I am still falling."
I wrinkled my brows, "what?"
"Catch me, Sunhee! I'm falling for you!" said Jonghyun, while giving a smile.
I still didn't understand.
"aigoo.. I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart. The conclusion is.. I love you!"
I stood still on where I was. I looked deep into Jonghyun's eyes. Then tears started falling. I was between anger and moved at the same time. Then I saw Jonghyun putting the loudspeaker down, and stretching his hands to the sides, as if he was going to catch something.
I knew what he meant. I ran towards him, no matter how loud the sound my steps make. I landed in his arms, he hugged me and spinned me around several times. Then he whispered,
"Sorry for ignoring you during this whole photoshoot. Saranghae, Sunhee."
I was still crying, he tighten up his hug to me, and I could hear the photoshoot crew all cheering at us.

The 3 girls went home to Jihee's house, each being dropped there by their own couples.
Daehee came first, holding hands with Jonghyun, while sharing a scarf around both of their necks, they look so great together.
Jihee, came along with Minho. Her hands were around Minho's arm, and Minho kept brushing Jihee's hair, while holding his backpack behind him.
Then Sunhee came with Jonghyun (the Hong one, ^^). Jonghyun's hands were around Sunhee's shoulders, and Sunhee's hands were around Jonghyun's waist. Everybody looked so happy.
"Hey girls!" said Sunhee.
"Unnie! ^^"
"Sunhee!" smiled Daehee.
"Looks like our gestures explains all." said Sunhee.
The three couples smiled happily. "How could we all get together on the same day?" asked Minho.
Sunhee, Jihee, and Daehee looked at each other. "Never mind~!", said the three of them. Then they all went inside Jihee's house to have a warm cup of coffee.
Seems like the three girls finally found their true love. ^^
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