It's like a dream come true!
Here I am, carrying my one big sunshine yellow suitcase,
waiting for my flight to Seoul, Korea!
kyaaaaaaaa~~ ! XD
I still couldn't believe that Mom would actually allow me to spend a vacation at Seoul!18 year old Song Sunhee just graduated from her high school with splendid scores. She reached the first rank among the two classes in her school, has been accepted in a number one university in her country without a test, her dad was promoted to a higher level from his previous job, and now, chasing her biggest dream ever. A 3 month holiday is waiting for her, so she decided to spend 1 full month in Seoul.
"Passport, check. Money, check. Visa, check. Ticket, check. Hmmm.. what else?"
Sunhee talked to herself while checking all her belongings when suddenly her handphone rang. She picked up her iPhone and said..
"Yes, Mom?"
A loud voice from across the phone was heard.
"Sunhee, Mommy, Daddy and your unnie are about to go boarding, so we're going to turn off our phones. Don't forget to give me a call when you're already at Seoul, okay?"
"Yes, Mom! By the way bring me a koala when we both get home!"
"Don't talk nonsense, honey."
"Okay then, Mom. Hehehe~ I'll buy you all a set of hanbok to wear."
"Hanbok? Okay that sounds great. Be careful, okay Sunhee?"
"Yes, Mommy, you all too. Love you guys!"
Sunhee shut her phone and put it in her pocket. She dragged her suitcase to a bench near the entrance gate of the departure flight. She took a deep breath, and talked to herself again.
"Hmm. Mom, Dad, and my unnie are going for a one month vacation to Brisbane. Lucky I told Mom that I wanted to have my own vacation to Seoul. Hehe, my 3 year effort in high school wasn't useless at all. I remember when Mom promised to give me anything if I reached the top score, and I did! Even I'm already accepted in the university without a test. Such a great day. All my dreams are..."
Sunhee stopped speaking to herself when she heard that the gate was open, and it's time for her to go boarding.
"Boarding! Oh yeah~~"
Sunhee stood up, put her passport and other important documents inside her waist bag, then dragged her suitcase towards the gate.
The flight took about 6,5 hours, and Sunhee was already at Korea that night.
"Yahuu~! Finally, i can breathe the air of Koreaa~.."
She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
"Okay time to find my luggage now.."
Sunhee was a bit confused about the airport, as she hopped of from Korean Air, she was amazed because of the futuristic architecture that Incheon International Airport had. Even the signs were also in English, she was still dizzy to find lots of Korean people walking around. However, she still managed to find the place where people are picking up their luggage.
Sunhee waited for her big sunshine yellow suitcase to show up. First, a minute went by and she still felt patient. Then minutes went by so quickly, it was 15 minutes pass by already and Sunhee nearly got pissed off if she wasn't at Korea now. She decided to search for an employee or an officer who is in charge of that section.
She looked around and found a blue shirted guy, she asked about her luggage and gave her flight number. The guy took out his walkie talkie and spoke something in Hangul that Sunhee couldn't understand, then he looked at Sunhee and bowed. Sunhee was confused.
"Miss, we are really sorry. Your luggage may have been shipped to a wrong flight, and so as a few other suitcases. We hope that you give us your hotel address, and we will deliver it there as soon as possible."
Sunhee had her eyes wide open, "What?"
"We are really sorry, Miss." said the Korean guy with his fluent English.
Sunhee tried hard to cover her anger, so she gave the guy her hotel address and also her phone number. She passed the Grand InterContinental Hotel Seoul brochure to the guy and took another deep breath. At least she still had her mini waist bag with her, also her wallet in it, so yeah, she could survive the night. The guy bowed once again to Sunhee, then walked away. Sunhee just turned around and walked lazily to outside the arrival gate. She then took out her handphone and texted her mom that she already arrived at Seoul. But she didn't tell her mom about her suitcase, she was absolutely sure that her mom would be furious.
Her message wasn't delivered yet, maybe her mom forget to activate her phone, she thought. Sunhee kept walking until she reached the main entrance of Incheon International Airport, where all the taxis, buses, and other cars were passing by. Sunhee already knew what to do, so she hopped inside a blue limousine bus departing from there to Jamsil subway station.
It took only about 33 minutes for the bus to arrive at the station, and Sunhee took another bus for her to reach Gangnam. She looked inside her waist bag and searched for the hotel brochure. But she found nothing.
"Wait.. don't tell me that.. I dropped the brochure? No, no.. DAMN~ I gave the brochure to that airport guy! ah!"
Sunhee whispered to herself, and it made people inside the bus looked at her. She just smiled clumsily while saying "Gwenchana~~" and waving her hands. Then she looked outside the window and slapped her own head.
Sunhee got off the bus and looked around. She saw a few "gangnam" texts on various shops around her. She tidied up her hair, and walked to the bus station. She played with her handphone and looked at her wristwatch. 10.30 pm.
"Where am I supposed to go?" she asked herself.
She tried her best to stand up, as she was desperately tired from her flight. How could she not be tired? Suitcase missing, lost in Gangnam. Being in Seoul isn't always fun at all, especially when you don't know how to speak Hangul.
Sunhee asked a few local people who were passing by, asking about hotels near that place. Unfortunately, nobody spoke English, so it was useless for her to ask here and there. In the end, Sunhee saw a mini market and went inside to buy some food.
She looked at the shelf of snacks and drinks. She was definitely hungry, but she lost her appetite, so she just bought bread and canned milk. When she was about to pay (she already changed her dollars into won at the airport), the cashier looked at her and said something that was like, "Are you okay? You look pale."
Sunhee looked at the mirror beside the entrance door, she did look pale.
"Nae.. gwenchana." she said, with her broken Hangul. She isn't an expert of Hangul, she only knew a few phrases, but she still dares to take a trip alone to Seoul. A place she has never been before.
The cashier smiled friendly and thanked Sunhee. Sunhee bowed a bit and walked outside. She took a sip of her milk, ate up her bread, and then didn't know what to do next. She kept biting her straw while drinking her milk, when suddenly she felt dizzy. She then walked to the edge of the entrance steps of the mini market, then squatted down while hugging her own legs. That night felt so cold, and it felt worse because she was alone. She ignored people who were walking by, then she tugged her head inside her jacket, and closed her eyes.
5 minutes went by, but it already felt like an hour for Sunhee. She couldn't actually sleep on the steps, so she just rested there, still tucking her head down. Suddenly she could hear a faint sound of two to three people speaking Hangul. She then tried to cover her ears as the sound felt like coming closer.
"Is she okay?" asked a first voice.
"What is she doing here?" asked another voice.
"You think we should wake her up?" said the last voice.
Sunhee felt tired hearing all of it so she looked up and saw three guys standing in front of her. The first guy was tall, had black mohawk hair and thick lips, and he was holding a plastic bag. The second guy, looked like the youngest among them, his hair was brown and messy, holding a bottle of drink. The last guy looked tall too, but seemed more body builded, he looked worried.
"Are you okay?" said the tall guy in Hangul.
Sunhee's face was still pale, she weakly nodded her head.
"What are you doing here this late?" said the youngest guy, in Hangul too. Sunhee didn't understand. She tried to speak with her hand gestures. She pointed at herself, then made an X sign, moved her fingers near her mouth, and said "Hangul".
"Seems like she can't speak hangul.." said the last guy, looking at his friends. He then asked Sunhee with a few other languages, even Sunhee heard him speaking Spanish. Finally he asked..
"English, perhaps? English?"
Sunhee made a weak smile with her pale lips, "Yes! English!"
The guy looked relieved, he smiled and asked, "What are you doing here?"
Sunhee's face turned upset. She felt like she knew these people but her eyes were all blurry and she couldn't see well.
"I'm.. lost."
"Lost?" asked the same guy, seems like he was the only one that could speak English fluently. "Where is your house?"
"I don't have a house.. I'm on a vacation here." said Sunhee.
"Aigoo.. well, you should.."
Sunhee sneezed so hard even before the guy could finish his speech. Then Sunhee dropped her can of milk and started to shiver.
"Hyung, why don't we help her first, and then ask her later?" suggested the young guy.
"Yeah, I don't mind if we take her to our dorm." said the mohawk one.
The last guy looked at Sunhee, "Do you mind coming with us?"
Sunhee hugged herself, "As long as it is somewhere warm.."
The guy smiled and helped her to stand up. Then the four of them walked to a mini van parked near the mini market. Soon after that, they were on their way to the dorm.
It was half past 11 already. Sunhee was sitting in the middle of a huge black sofa, while 5 guys were walking around her. She looked around the dorm and found a big poster of the guys. It has a text written "MBLAQ , Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality". Sunhee rubbed her eyes, and took a glance at it again.
"No wonder I know you guys!" yelled Sunhee, making the mohawk guy almost dropped the warm tea he made for Sunhee.
"Anything wrong?" asked the guy that was the most fluent.
"You all are.. MBLAQ?" asked Sunhee, still in a pale face.
A guy who had mustache walked towards Sunhee, "Well, yes we are.."
Sunhee looked to all the five guys around her, looking at them one by one, and saying all their names.
"Byunghee, Seungho, Cheolyong, Sanghyun, and.. June?"
June wrinkled his brow, "Whoa whoa wait.. Ju-ne? It's Joon, lady. June like the month of June."
"Arasseo. But I prefer calling you Ju-ne. Like joo-ne. You mind?" asked Sunhee while giving a weak expression that made a mother side from June come out.
"Okay, whatever." said June, throwing himself to the sofa, sitting beside Sunhee.
Seungho who was still holding a cup of tea continued to walk towards Sunhee and gave it to her. "Here, at least it will warm up your body."
"Kamsahamnidaa~" said Sunhee while blowing the hot tea, then took a sip of it. Her face instantly heated up and the pale faded away.
"Since you look better now, would you like to introduce yourself?" said Cheolyong, a.k.a Mir, the magnae of the group.
"Ne. Annyeong haseyo, Song Sunhee imnida. Uh, that's the only Hangul I can speak. Uhm.. I'm 18 and my reason being in Seoul is just for a vacation, but then I lost my luggage, I lost my hotel brochure and stupidly forgot the name, and now I only have money to survive one day which actually I have to spend a month here."
All five guys looked at Sunhee, "So the point is..?" asked Sanghyun, well known as Cheondung.
"I'm lost and I don't know where to go."
The leader slapped his own face. June took a deep breath.
"Okay Song Sunhee, how come your name is Korean, when you're not actually a Korean?" asked Byunghee.
"That's my Korean name. I wouldn't tell you my real name." said Sunhee. Her real personality is slowly coming out.
"And when are you going to leave this place?" asked the leader. Sunhee felt offended and looked down.
"Hyung, she's lost, okay? Don't say things like that." said June, speaking up for Sunhee. "So what are your plans now?" he continued.
"I.. don't know. My family isn't with me so I'm here alone. I don't know where to stay."
June pulled out a key from his pocket. "This is the next room's key. Usually Mir, Seungho and I sleep there, but you could use it for this night. It's okay, right, guys?" June looked at the magnae and the leader.
Mir looked like he was not willing to, but he felt sorry for Sunhee so he agreed while giving a smile. So did Seungho. Sunhee stood up and thanked them while giving a 90 degree bow.
June then also stood up and was about to take Sunhee to the room, when Seungho interrupted.
"Sunhee-sshi, would you promise one thing?"
"Don't tell your friends, especially those who knows us, about this. And I'm also afraid if Bi hyung knows about this.."
"My lips would be sealed, Leader. No worries ^^" said Sunhee.
Seungho smiled and let Sunhee to walk out of the room, leaded by June. Sunhee held her waist bag and followed June to his room. He opened the door and gave Sunhee a mini tour.
"This is my bedroom as well as Mir's and Seungho's. You can sleep here if you want, while Mir, Seungho and I could sleep with the other two members next door. The bathroom is right there, and if you need anything, just come over and knock the door, get it?" asked June, while giving a sweet smile.
Sunhee really paid attention to June's orders. She thanked June a lot and walked him to the door when she realized something..
"Yes?" June turned around.
"As you see.. my suitcase is lost too, so.. I can't wear these clothes for the next day.. and.."
"Oh.. I see.." June chuckled, "In my room, you'll see a cupboard fill with clothes. Just wear one of my sweaters, or perhaps Mir's clothes if mine are too big for you. I will tell Mir later."
Sunhee looked back, "ah, arasseo. Okay thank you so much uhm.. June.. should I call you 'oppa'?"
June touched his sideburns and answered, "If it makes you feel comfy, then you may. Okay, take a rest now, Sunhee. It's already late."
Sunhee smiled, "Yes, I will. Thanks again, June oppa ^^."
Sunhee woke up at 5.15 am, doing her morning routine and taking a bath. She opened Mir's closet and found tons of clothes. She even spotted Mir's 'Oh Yeah' outfit, as well as June's. She looked at Mir's clothes and found a mozaic hoodie. Sunhee think twice and looked at June's closet. She decided to wear June's peach sweater and her black jeans from yesterday. When she was dressed up, she walked to the balcony and inhaled some fresh air.
She watched the morning Seoul from the balcony, the breeze made her shiver a bit. Then she stretched out her hands here and there.
"Already up, young lady?" said a voice from across.
Sunhee startled and looked to the balcony next door. "Ah, June oppa. May I borrow this?" she asked while pointing to the sweater she was wearing.
"Of course. What are you doing so early?"
"Just doing my morning activity as always.." Sunhee continued to stretch her body.
"Today MBLAQ is going to perform, we're having a practice on 10am. Wanna come? I mean, you don't wanna be left alone here, do you?"
Sunhee tried to hide her various feelings that she felt that day. Tired, shocked, happy, blushed, it was all mixed up as one. She didn't expect to meet MBLAQ in her trip to Seoul. She also didn't expect to get lost and in the end she had to stay in June's room. She didn't know what to do, how to act, what to say in front of June, who once owned a number one place in her heart.
She remembered 2 years ago when MBLAQ just freshly debuted. She could only watch June and other members from her screen, not live. Time passed by, and new boybands were debuting. Sunhee started to concentrate to achieve her goal, she even had a month without Kpop in her head. Maybe that's why now, she didn't freak out when she met MBLAQ. She was happy indeed, but she didn't want to show them.
"Sunhee, I was asking. You wanna come?" asked June again, waving to Sunhee.
"Oh, well.. If the others don't mind.."
"I'm sure they wouldn't ^^" said June.
Damn~ Why do you have to be so nice to me? I know this won't last long. I wouldn't stay here forever. Don't make my feelings as an ordinary fangirl change into feelings of a girl. Don't make me love you for real.~~~~~
MBLAQ and the crew, also Sunhee, arrived at JTune Entertainment building, located in Gangnam as well, not far from their dorm. MBLAQ will be performing their debut song again, as they were celebrating their 2 years anniversary. When they all got down from the shuttle, June helped Sunhee to hop off and walked beside her to enter the building.
"Bi hyung would be there. Don't worry, I'll explain this all." said June.
They went up to the 3rd floor and into the practicing room. June and the others put their bags on the floor, and Sunhee decided to sit beside the bags and watch from there. The practice started, the "Oh Yeah" intro started playing, Sunhee started bobbing her head to the beat. The five guys moved as flawless as before. And when it came to June's part (where he had to lift his shirt), Sunhee smirked and just bent her head down. June actually realized. As the practice ended, June walked to Sunhee, and Sunhee gave him a towel.
"Yes?", June wiped his sweat.
"You shouldn't do that." said Sunhee, imitating June's voice when MBLAQ were at Starry Night radio, two years ago. Hearing Sunhee's voice, the other members which were chugging down their drink, burst out laughing. Mir even sprayed out some water which was still in his mouth.
"ai? shouldn't do what? this?" said June while pulling up his shirt again. Sunhee covered her eyes.
"Try making the move look cuter." Sunhee stood up and walked to the huge mirror.
"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah!" sang Sunhee while pulling up her sweater in a cute way, and putting it back to it's place.
June, Mir, Byunghee, Seungho and Cheondung all looked at each other. They all held in their laugh.
"That's not bad. Very cute indeed. But I don't think the cuteness will reach the max if June does it." said Seungho.
"Never mind. It's just that sometimes fans get bored with same gestures eah performances." Sunhee went back to her place and sat again. Everybody said nothing. "Sorry, was I too harsh?"
Just when June was about to answer, someone opened the door. MBLAQ plus Sunhee looked over and found a familiar figure walked inside. Sunhee startled and immediately got up. June pulled Sunhee behind him.
"Annyeong haseyo, MBLAQ imnida!", the five guys bowed to their boss.
Bi (Rain) looked around. "Is everyone doing good? How's the practice?"
Mir, Byunghee, Seungho and Cheondung all explained about their day and about the practice. When it came to June's turn, Bi made a frown and looked at Sunhee, then he asked, "Nuguseyo?"
Sunhee bowed and answered, "Annyeong haseyo, Song Sunhee imnida.."
Bi looked at June. June understood what his boss meant, so he quickly told the whole story about Sunhee, from finding her in front of the mini market, until letting her stay in his room. Bi looked at June and dragged him away from the room. Sunhee looked at the other members, their facial expressions doesn't look good at all.
The event has came, MBLAQ will be performing in an hour. They were now doing a rehearsal, all are ready with their classic 'oh yeah' outfits. A few hours ago when June came back after a chat with Bi, he walked up to Sunhee and said everything is okay. Sunhee sure didn't believe him.
At the rehearsal, June kept holding Sunhee's wrist with his left hand. He dragged Sunhee here and there, while checking sounds, taking a drink, and anything. Sometimes when he had to reach for something, he moved Sunhee's wrist from his left hand to his right.
"I don't want you to get lost for the second time." he said in a serious voice.
When they were about to perform for the rehearsal, June asked Sunhee to help him put on the microphones, since MBLAQ are going to dance, they were using wireless. Sunhee helped June fit the mics through his head and fix the position so it would stick right next to his mouth. Lastly, Sunhee wiped off June's sweat.
"Wow, I found your presence here really helpful." said June. Sunhee just smiled.
During the rehearsal, June kept doing his original 'pull-shirt' move, not the cute one like Sunhee had demonstrated. Sunhee just made a blow face.
Surprisingly, when it came to their real performance, Sunhee was waiting backstage when she saw June's part - lifting his shirt - but he did it in the cute way that Sunhee told him to do! Sunhee drew a smile as she paid more attention to the rest of the performance. Leader's flip was cool as always. Cheondung's rap skills were improving. So did the other members.
My days at Seoul are getting more and more fun,
After MBLAQ's performance a week ago, June and I spent more time together.
The 5 years difference of our ages makes us both grow fond of each other.
I'm sure he considers me as his younger sister, just as I treat him as my own brother.
He does things that real guys do,
he crosses the road while holding my hand, he shades his jacket on top of my head if it suddenly rains, he helps me to speak Hangul with other people..
It sure does feels great, I mean.. he's the Lee June, MBLAQ's Lee June.
Sometimes I think that what I'm doing in this holiday is wrong,
but sometimes I forgot about my own holiday, and the reason I should be here at the first place..
I wished that the time could stop,
I wished that I could stay here longer,
I wished that June would always stand by my side..
But that's way beyond possible.
I couldn't stay here forever. Time would not stop.
An airport officer called me yesterday. He said that my suitcase was already here, and it will be shipped over to my hotel. Grand InterContinental Hotel.
I could have move to the hotel instead of keep staying at MBLAQ's dorm.
But there is this thing that makes me don't wanna leave the place.
Leader is getting more kind to me, Mir always acts cute to lighten up the mood,
Cheondung usually entertain us with his Tagalog speaking ability, Byunghee sometimes sings a ballad song when we all look sleepy.
And June's smile..
It's contagious. Whenever I see him smile, it makes me wanna smile too. It's also addictive, like the type of smile whenever it fades away, you crave for more.
June smiles not only by his mouth, his heart also smiles.
Ever since I came to this dorm, he has always been the most attentive person.
He asks whether I have gone to sleep or not yet, whether I have eaten or not.
He does resemble a figure of a big brother.
To me, it's more than a big brother.
I'm afraid when it's time for me to go home, I wouldn't bear to leave this place, and also leave June behind.
It's not like he is mine, but.. I'm sure it would be hard.
I already warned myself in the beginning, not to get to close to him. But things just happened. I was surprised too, does June act like this to every fangirls?
The point is, I know where is my hotel now. I'm already familiar to this Gangnam area.
But I'm not ready to leave this place. To leave June.
Not yet..~~~~~
It was 2am, everyone was sleeping soundly. June, Mir, and Seungho had to sleep on the sofa in the living room, while Byunghee and Cheondung are safe and sound in their rooms. It was a silent dark night when suddenly June heard someone knocking on the door. He stood up and rubbed his eyes while walking to the door.
"Who is it?" he asked in a sleepy voice.
He heard a sobbing sound from outside. He peeked through the small window on the door and quickly but carefully opened the door.
"Sunhee? What happened?" June was fully awaken now. He was shocked to find Sunhee on his door, crying and sobbing.
"I.. had.. a nightmare.." sobbed Sunhee. The girl looked weak and so scared. June then walked outside of his room and closed the door. He pat Sunhee's shoulders while pushing her back to her room.
"There, there.. It's okay. Let's sit down first and I will hear everything if you feel like talking." said June, opening the door and getting Sunhee inside. He helped Sunhee sit down on the sofa, then he turned on the lights.
"Ah, the room is bright now. You wanna tell me about your dream? Come on, Sunhee. You're a big girl already. Big girls don't cry." June pulled a few of tissues and gave it to Sunhee. She wiped her face and tried to speak.
"Since last week, it was okay for me to sleep alone. But then I don't know why, today I felt uneasy, and when I went to bed, things were spinning around my head. Suddenly I just fell asleep and I had this dream where..", Sunhee hung up her speech.
"Where..?" asked June.
"Where.. the first dream is about me, falling down a cliff. I know it sounds silly, but since I was young I kept dreaming about it. And the other dream.. I saw you dying..", Sunhee's face which was already dry, got wet again as she burst out into tears after telling the story.
June gave a calming smile and helped Sunhee wipe her tears, "It's okay, Sunhee. I'm here right now, see? It's just a dream. You don't have to cry like that. Hey, look at me.. 'you shouldn't do that'.. remember?"
Sunhee made a smile among her tears, which made June smile even wider.
"Aww, that's my girl. Don't cry anymore, okay? I'll promise I won't leave you."
Sunhee's heart skipped a beat as she heard that sentence.
"You promise?", she asked.
"Well.. at least tonight ^^" said June. It was like magic. Just a simple smile from him, can make Sunhee's fears disappear.
"You're not gonna leave us.. like in my dream, right?"
"I won't." said June, clearly.
Sunhee was still sobbing even though her tears already stopped running down.
"Aw, you still look sad. It's okay, Sunhee. Here, I think you need a hug."
June who was sitting on the table in front of the sofa the whole time, moved to sit beside Sunhee. He reached for her and slowly pulled her closer and gave a warm hug, while sometimes patting on her back.
"This isn't the Sunhee I met. The Sunhee I know is really tough, brave, and doesn't look sad at all. Where is the Sunhee I know, hm?"
Sunhee gave June a hug back, her sob slowly faded away. When June realized that Sunhee was finally calm, he let go of her and looked at her in the eyes.
"Song Sunhee, hwaiting!", he said in a cute way, clenching his fist to the air. It made Sunhee smile.
This is okay, right? It's just a simple sibling-like hug..
God, I beg you, please make this feel a little bit longer...~~~~~
Nareul bomyeo miso jitneun, geu eolgureul saranghae neor~"Yoboseyo?"
Sunhee woke up and immediately answered her ringing phone. It was in fact a call from the airport officer, who had found Sunhee's suitcase and will be delivering it to her hotel.
"Ah, arasseo. Jeongmal gamsahamnida."
Sunhee put down her handphone and glanced to the mirror. Her straight long and black hair was all over the place. She tidied it up with her bare hands and stood up to go out. She still wore June's peach colonize hoodie.
When she went out of the bedroom, she was shocked to see a figure sleeping on the sofa.
"June oppa?"
She walked to him and found him still asleep. She then tucked him in with the blanket that has fallen of the sofa. Maybe June kicked it down. She then walked to the counter and made two cups of hot chocolate. She carried it back to the sofa and put one cup on the table, for June to drink. After she finished hers, June was still asleep, she didn't bear to wake him up, so she just went back inside to take a bath.
When Sunhee was done with her bath, amazingly, June was STILL asleep. Sunhee made a small smile on her face. She took her mini beltbag and other stuffs. She wrote a note and put it beside the cup of hot chocolate - she didn't even think that it was still hot. She stood back up and was ready to go.
"These days were so precious,
Wish I could stay beside you longer, but this can't last forever.
Thank you so much for the fun you gave to me," whispered Sunhee.
She tidied up the blanket on June again, brushed his hair softly, then quietly walked outside the dorm.

Sunhee arrived at the hotel she was going to stay at, and was delighted that she had found her suitcase back. Now it was time for her real vacation.
She promised to bring back her family hanboks, so she went to a store to find some. After that, she took a look at many gadgets that were not available in her country. She bought a new released LG Chocolate for herself and a limited edition of a new VAIO laptop. She quickly forgot about what happened last night, and a week before.
Meanwhile June just woke up from his sleep. He looked around and also was confused how his blanket was on him again. He stood up and found the hot chocolate on the table. He touched the cup and realized it wasn't hot anymore, so he chugged it down until the cup was empty. He put the cup back to its place, and found the note that Sunhee left.
"Oppa~! You were sleeping so safe and sound, I couldn't bear to wake you up. I got a phone call and it said that my suitcase was here! So I decided to leave and take my real vacation. You won't look out for me, right? Kekekeke~ Thanks for your sincere and kindness. And sorry that I bring your peach colonize hoodie, it was just to cute and I couldn't bear to leave it. You don't mind, would you?"
June smiled while reading the note. But his smile faded away when he saw the last sentence from the bottom of the note.
"I'm so gonna miss you, oppa! Keep working hard for MBLAQ, hwaiting! >.<"
He didn't why but this weird feeling came out. And suddenly he felt teary. He also treasured the moments he had with Sunhee, whether it was when he was practicing or when he had free leisure time. He stood still while staring at the note.
"HYUUUUUUNG~ LET'S GO JOGGING. Hyung?", shouted Mir, running inside from the entrance door. June still didn't notice.
"Hyung, where's Sunhee? By the way you slept here? WITH SUNHEE? what did you do hyung? she's now gone, what did you do? OMONA, hyung.."
"Mir, shut up," said June in a straight voice. Mir fell silent.
"She.. had a nightmare last night. So I slept on the sofa just in case she wakes up again. But, unfortunately, she woke up earlier than me and now she has left. She said she has gone to have her real vacation, since her suitcase has arrived," June spoke in an empty stare.
"Anything else?" asked Mir.
"She took my peach colonize hoodie."
Mir held in his laugh, "Pfft.. Well, that's good for her, hyung! I mean finally she's not burdened with us anymore. I'm thinking about how would other fangirls react if they see her with us anywhere."
June just made a small smile, "Yeah, you're right."

A few days went by, Sunhee started to feel bored traveling Seoul by herself. She already chatted with her family via net, they also bought a souvenir for her. That day, Sunhee planned to take a walk near JTune Entertainment, to capture some photos with her new XLR camera. And maybe, to see June one more time.
Sunhee wore her black jeans, white sneakerheels, and also June's peach colonize hoodie, as usual. She was walking down the street, capturing various scenes, from the smell of fresh brewed coffee being ordered, to some pretty teenagers going to school. She always loved the uniforms in Korean schools.
She kept walking until she reached a familiar building. She looked up and saw the title. JTune Entertainment. She felt heavy to walk out of the place. So she stood there and stared to the building.
She didn't notice that there were a few guys coming out of the building. They were chatting and laughing, and one of them looked at Sunhee. Sunhee grabbed her camera, and took a shot of the building.
Sunhee startled and looked over to the voice who called her. The one who called her slowly ran to her and smiled.
"Hey! How have you been?"
Sunhee's heart skipped a beat. She didn't expect that she will meet June here, she thought they were busy in another place.
"June oppa.. I'm fine! You? Ah.. annyeong yeorobun!" Sunhee waved to other MBLAQ members, they all waved back and Mir even jumped while waving his hands.
"So, having fun with your vacation?"
"Of course! Well.. not really. Sometimes I feel bored walking alone. But despite that, Seoul is so cool! It's not a waste having a vacation here!"
Especially meeting you..June smiled. "What's that? a new camera?" June asked while gently taking over the camera.
"Yup, I..."
Sunhee blinked a few times, "Yah! Oppa that surprised me! The blitz was so bright." she complained, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.
"Hahahaha~ mianhaeyo. Come here, this is for your souvenir!"
June dragged Sunhee to his place, put his arm around her shoulders, and took a selfca of him and her. Sunhee secretly blushed.
"Ah, gomawo oppa! Oh I think you should be going.. Your members are calling." said Sunhee.
June gave a big smile once again, which made Sunhee not able to take her eyes off of him. "Okay, catch you later Sunhee! Have fun!"
Then in a few seconds he disappeared with the other members inside the van. Sunhee waved as the van slowly drove away.
"Damn~ he's growing on me too much. I can't stay here any longer," Sunhee blew her bangs and continued to walk.
Another long week has passed. Sunhee actually had 3 days more on her vacation, but she checked out earlier than her schedule. It's to avoid her fangirling soul that keeps craving for more.
That day, she was already dragging her suitcase outside the hotel. It was 9.30 am, she took a morning flight, which will take off at 10.30 am, if it's not delayed of course.
She went straight to the airport by taxi, leaving all her memories behind. About Seoul, the food, the luxurious hotel, the fun and amazing scenes, and also about June.
She arrived at the airport just in time when it was time to go boarding. She looked at her ticket and searched for her seat. She got a place where it has two seats, one facing to the window. She looked around and realized her chairmate isn't anywhere close, so she decided to pick the seat next to the window.
"Perfect," she said while looking outside the window.
She put on her headphones and played her kpop playlist. Surprisingly, the first song to play was MBLAQ's "My Dream". Sunhee just smiled and hummed along to the song. Then this tall guy came and sat beside Sunhee. When the guy sat down, he accidentally bumped Sunhee's knee. The guy quickly apologized, which Sunhee just replied by smiling and mouthing "Gwenchana..". Then Sunhee was busy listening her music again.
The guy, wore a fluffy furry beanie and a turtle neck shirt that covered the bottom of his face, and he also had sunglasses on. Sunhee didn't pay much attention since she was having fun by herself. But she felt something weird.
4 hours later.
Sunhee was asleep. Her headphone had fallen off her head and was now hanging on her neck. She leaned to the window, making an uncomfy position for anyone who were looking at her.
The guy beside her smiled, and slowly lifted Sunhee's head, dragged it to his shoulder, and let her sleep peacefully leaning to him. She didn't move a bit.
A few hours later, Sunhee was awaken. It was almost time to land, but now the guy beside her is leaning on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and gently pushed him away.
When they were about to land, the pilot's voice waken up the guy who was beside Sunhee. Sunhee made a smile and packed up her things, including her headphone. She still felt that she knew that guy.
The plane finally landed, Sunhee was back in her hometown. She felt empty, leaving June behind without telling him that she was already going home. But.. what can she do? June is not her boyfriend or anything. Sunhee luckily found her suitcase faster than she did in Korea, then she walked to the arrival gate.
"Hmph~ I'm home again."
She stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, and then walked again. She didn't look behind, but there was this voice, a well known voice, a voice that she wished to hear again, calling her.
"Song Sunhee!"
Sunhee stopped. She turned around, and was shocked to see the guy running to her. It was the guy who sat beside her at the flight. But this time, the guy took of his beanie and his sunglasses. Sunhee could see his face clearly.
"June?! Oppa??"
June smirked and stood in front of Sunhee.
"How.. did you.. took the same flight?"
"Hahaa~ I was also surprised to see you on the flight. I thought you were going to stay in Seoul a few more days. I went to the hotel where you stayed, but the receptionist said that you checked out already. I actually wanted to say that MBLAQ is going to have an Asia Tour concert, and we will be dropping by to your hometown. But you weren't there, so we just took off that day. Then when I sat beside you, I actually wanted to greet you but I changed my mind, and kept acting like a mysterious guy. Keke~"
"So, you were sitting beside me the whole time?", Sunhee couldn't believe it. Was she so concentrated on her music that she didn't even notice MBLAQ were on the same plane as her??
"Yep! And the other members got a seat quite far from me. Actually Cheondung has the seat next to you but he asked to switch with me, he doesn't like being alone. Oh lucky I switched with him, I get to meet you!" June smiled sweetly.
"Ha..ha.." Sunhee laughed nervously, still dazzled. June kept standing in front of her.
"So.. aren't you going to.. go?" asked Sunhee.
"You're asking me to leave?" June asked back, making a disappointed face.
Sunhee felt uneasy, "Ah! No, it's not that.. but I.."
"Did you know that I was glad that I found you?"
June took a deep breath, and put his heavy backpack down.
"You see, the day you went away, when you left the note by the hot chocolate cup. I thought I wasn't able to see you again. I still kept that note until now. Then when I met you in front of JTune's, I wished that I had more time to talk to you, and maybe accompany your vacation, but I couldn't. And when you decided to go home earlier without me knowing, my fear reached the top. I.. just wanted to see you more often.."
Sunhee kept silent. June continued explaining.
"Maybe because we already spent a week together, you came to our rehearsals, and kept paying attention to me. I slowly grew fond of you. I thought that feeling was just like a feeling between an oppa and his dongsaeng. But I was wrong. It was more than that."
June suddenly kneel down in front of Sunhee, while taking something out of his jacket.
"Psst~! What.. what are you doing?" whispered Sunhee, while looking around at people who were looking at both of them.
"Song Sunhee. I realized that your presence in my life was very precious. And I wished it would last forever. I hope that I have a place in your heart to.. So.. Sunhee, would you marry me?"
June opened a small box and it showed a beautiful sapphire ring placed in it. Sunhee got even more dazzled. Her eyes went teary.
"Are.. are you serious?" she asked. A tear went down her face. June who was waiting for an answer had to stood back up and wipe the tears.
"Of course! I want to be by your side, always. And wipe away every single tear that you drop.." June gently wiped out another tear from Sunhee's cheeks.
"But I'm still 18, oppa.."
They both looked at each other, then June burst out laughing.
"Hahahaha~ it doesn't even matter, Sunhee! There's no rule that you can not marry someone in the age of 18, right?"
"My mom wouldn't agree about this." said Sunhee in a sad tone.
"I would fight for it." June replied.
"Especially my dad."
"I love challenges!" June smiled.
"And also my..."
"Sunhee!" interrupted June, "I just need an answer. Yes or no? Don't think about the other things, we would take care of it. Now answer me, would you marry me or not?"
Sunhee slowly gazed through the place. A few people were watching and even cheering for her to accept June. Sunhee's face went red and she bent down her head.
"Yes." said Sunhee while giving out a cough.
"What? Sorry I didn't hear you.." said June, bending down to hear closer.
"I said yes. Yes you have a place in my heart too! Yes, I would marry you."
June gave his best smile amongst all the smile he had given to everyone. He cheered for himself followed by the applause of people around them. Even the MBLAQ members clapped and cheered for the couples too, Mir went teary and Cheondung hugged him to make him feel better. Sunhee smiled and wiped away her last tears, and suddenly she was already being carried by June, he spinned her around, and she hugged him so tightly.
So, that was my vacation. A very fun vacation.
I didn't only bring home some gifts for my family.
I bought a present for myself.
Being lost isn't that bad after all. :)
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